Our Wagon all loaded

Our Wagon all loaded
Well the Wagon is still loaded and traveling across the Oregon Trail

Monday, August 3, 2015

 Oregon Trail Ruts and the  Snake River
Right off of I-86 
 Trail Ruts
 Snake River 
 Trail Ruts right out of Hagerman ,Idaho
 Me and Katie walking right beside of the
 trail ruts. The sign said watch out for 
Western Rattle Snakes Scorpion and Deer Ticks    
 This water falls is come right out of the mountain
There where about 8 are 9 of this falls come
 out of the mountain on Hwy 30 the 
Snake River is right below them
Oregon Trails Ruts right on I-86
We are in Hagerman ,ID for two nights
Our trip here in Hagerman ,ID today

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