Our Wagon all loaded

Our Wagon all loaded
Well the Wagon is still loaded and traveling across the Oregon Trail

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I forgot to put this on yesterdays Blog  
 Cape Disappointment on the Washington Coast
When Lewis and Clark where here they said the water
was up where the trees are i guess that is what you 
call Global warming 
  Cape Disappointment on the  Washington Coast 
 Our 1 mile round trip to the light house and back
Donna was trying to see who was bigger 
Me are the Sitka Spruce this tree was huge
 A inland cove on our hike to the light house
  A inland cove on our hike to the light house
 Cape Disappointment Light House
Coming onto Astoria,OR
The Bridge over the Columbia River
Our trip today 08/26/15
Bridge Over the Columbia River headed to 
Cape Disappointment 
Cape Disappointment

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