Our Wagon all loaded

Our Wagon all loaded
Well the Wagon is still loaded and traveling across the Oregon Trail

Monday, August 31, 2015

 I-82  near Yakima,WA
 Lots of Apples near Yakima,WA
On  I-82
 This is Grapes on Hwy 124 east of Burbank,Wa
 Hwy 12 almost to Clarkston,WA
 Hwy 12 almost to Clarkston,WA
on the Snake River
Well where back in Idaho
Sternwheeler at  Lewiston,Idaho  on
the Snake River
 Clearwater River on Hwy 12 near Orofino,ID

Our camp site for the next 2 nights
right on the Clearwater River in 

This is from 08/230/15 i 
could not get it to load before

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Totem Poles at a Casino on Hwy 104 East
of  Port Angeles ,WA 
Hood Bridge on Hwy 104
Tacoma Bridge  Hwy 16 
I-90 East of Seattle ,WA
 I-90 East of Seattle,WA

I-90 West of Ellensburg ,WA
WE are here at Ellensburg ,WA on
the Yakima River for the night
Leaving Ellensburg,WA 08/31/15 for

Saturday, August 29, 2015

 We where going up on the Mountains here at
 Olympic National Park but they had
80 miles hr winds they had fallen trees 
and rocks on the road . This happen around 10 pm
 Olympic National Park
 Port Angeles ,WA

 We are looking over at Victoria ,BC 25 miles away
Down town Port Angeles ,WA
Victoria ,BC 25 miles away
Leaving Port Angeles 08/30/15 for

Friday, August 28, 2015

 Just left Oregon on the other side
 We are in Washington on Hwy 101
 What a thick forest on Hwy 101
 Sea fog on the coast of Washington Hwy 101
 Hwy 101  Washington
Hwy 101 at Lake Crescent about 20 miles west of\
 Port Angeles ,WA
Shadow Mountain RV Park
Will be here for 2 nights 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

 Lewis and Clark At Seaside,OR
This is where they came to make salt from the sea water 
 Seaside Beach
 The waves where about 6 or 7 ft hide lots of surfers
 This is where Lewis and Clark made there Salt
from sea water this is what it looked like
called the salt works
 our trip today 08/27/15
Leaving Warrenton ,OR  08/28/15 for
Shadow Mountain RV Park  Port Angles ,WA

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I forgot to put this on yesterdays Blog  
 Cape Disappointment on the Washington Coast
When Lewis and Clark where here they said the water
was up where the trees are i guess that is what you 
call Global warming 
  Cape Disappointment on the  Washington Coast 
 Our 1 mile round trip to the light house and back
Donna was trying to see who was bigger 
Me are the Sitka Spruce this tree was huge
 A inland cove on our hike to the light house
  A inland cove on our hike to the light house
 Cape Disappointment Light House
Coming onto Astoria,OR
The Bridge over the Columbia River
Our trip today 08/26/15
Bridge Over the Columbia River headed to 
Cape Disappointment 
Cape Disappointment

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

 The Oregon Coast

Where almost to Warrenton,OR   
will be  here for three nights
Sea Lion Cave