Our Wagon all loaded

Our Wagon all loaded
Well the Wagon is still loaded and traveling across the Oregon Trail

Friday, July 31, 2015

 Going up South Pass, WY
Oregon Trail Ruts on Hwy 28
 This is our Cover Wagon
 Oregon Trail  looking East
 Oregon Trail looking West
 Now that is fast
We also seen a sign like this with a cow on it
that said slow moving traffic 
 A ferry crossing on Green River for the Travelers 
 A wagon on the Trail
 Fort Bridger Museum 

Replica of Jim Bridger trading post 1843

Inside of the trading post
Our trip 8/01 Fort Bridger,WY to Pocatello ,ID
Will be there for two nights 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

 Atlantic City Rd from hwy 287
 Ruts of the Oregon Trail
 We are driving  on the Ruts of the 
Oregon Trail
Monument at  South Pass on the  original 
Oregon Trail
 First Women at South Pass in 1836
 Wagon Ruts
Wild Bill here is your  South Pass on Hwy 28
Wagon ruts west of South Pass 
 Red Rock near Lander.WY
 Our trip today
Leaving Lander 7/31 for Fort Bridger ,WY 
Video for today

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Leaving Casper,WY
Land mark the Oregon Trail is to the right 
Split Rock is in the back ground some call it gun site
 Hwy  287 there is a white trail marker on right 
side of the fence marking the Trail
Going down in to Lander,WY
Mike here is our first snow on Wind River Peak
Where here in Lander,WY for two nights

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

 Oregon trail marker and wagon wheel ruts
 Following the Oregon trail 
 Wagon ruts going up prospect hill ruts in the 
middle of the  pic.
 Where on top of the Oregon Trail
 Independence Rock where emigrants sign there 
names also camped there on July 4th  
Devil's Gate where the Sweetwater River cut 
through the rock ridge
Our trip today
Leaving here  7/29 for Lander ,WY

Monday, July 27, 2015

 Not much today from Ft Laramie 
 To Casper,WY

Oregon Trail crossing  I-25 
We are in Casper,WY for two nights

Sunday, July 26, 2015

  Western side of Mitchell Pass at Scott's Bluff,Neb 
Oregon Trail after 1851
On top of Scott's Bluff looking East
     On top of Scott's Bluff looking  West
The Oregon Trail Mitchell Pass
 Robidoux Pass Oregon Trail before 1851
near Scott's Bluff ,Neb
Mitchell Pass
 Our trip today 7/26
Leaving for Casper,WY 7/27

Saturday, July 25, 2015

 Oregon Trail wagon ruts

 Register Cliff where many emigrants carved 
there names   
Following the corridor of the original emigrant trail
Laramie Peak in the back ground
Original Trail
Original Trail
                                                                       Oregon Trail Ruts

Our trip today 7/25